Phone : +91 - 2227880916, +91 - 7303545041, +91 - 9241839708
Polyurethane chemicals for in-situ is a closed cell foam ideal for seamless insulation specifically in areas where surfaces are irregular. It is used for insulating ​cryogenic tanks and pipelines carrying gas and cooled liquids. This grade of polyol is suitable to be used in making buoys and floats.
Polyurethane and polyisocyanurate chemicals are both available for the application as per the client's specification.
We have equipment and trained manpower if required to do the job or if required to provide assistance for application. We have a good track record of chemical supply for the projects.
A few important highlights of projects done in past
1. In 2015, we did an in-situ pour job at ABG Shipyard ltd. The pouring job was in target vessel for Indian Navy. In the project approximately 70 MT of chemicals was used and the project was done in record time of 10 days.
2. In 2008, we supplied our chemicals for in-situ pour job at Petronet LNG Ltd. , Dahej.
Other Applications-
To insulate boats
To insulate refrigerate containers
Our polyol grades are HCFC and CFC free.
For more information please contact us.